Murderer`s Row: “Ragnarok“
“War on the streets chans all around. Gotta crush the system and burn it down. Democracy`s dead and the law ia a farce. The only way to survive is with violence and force. No I don`t believe in Anarchy, politics needs a kick in the face. What we need is a new revolution, put the system back in it`s place. Say a prayer to the mighty Odin, say a prayer to the mighty Thor! The Working Class we are the Street Soldiers an we will take it no more.
The Goverment is fueled by greed. Just so priveleged can live like they`re Kings. Breaking the backs of the Working Class. Waging senesless war and they`re crushing us with tax. All this madness it must be stopped. The top is boiling over on this melting pot. If we don`t stop them the death bell will toll. Political armageddon through Ragnarok-Rock-N-Roll. We`re gonna start voting with bullets, moltov cocktails, hammers and guns. We`re gonna start voting wirh bullets, we`re sick of politicans killing ourr brothers and sons.”
Murderer`s Row: “Ragnarok“, Beer Fueled Mayham, Rebellion Records, 2007