Trevor-LcLave-Coldwar (Dublin) will Hakenkreuz entnazifizieren

Hakenkreuz als positives Symbol

“The word ‘swastika’ is one used to denote the tetraskelion (or four-armed) shape. It has appeared in the art of numerous cultures around the world – on Greek vases, on Celtic Ogham stones, in Indian Brahmic art and in the art of the Hopi tribe of Northern Arizona, to cite a few examples. In all of these cases, it is a positive symbol meaning luck, life and fertility. The Nazi ‘hackenkreuz’ version of the swastika is the symbol of a party which lasted roughly 15 years. My aim is to restore to the symbol its pre-Nazi positive symbolism. I’m one of a number of people involved with The Gentle Swastika collective, a movement in the tattoo community which has this as its aim.” Trevor McLave (Coldwar)